B.L.O.C./Paris 2012
This installation touches on themes of eroticism, taboos, and sexuality, and seduces the visitor into becoming a part of the exhibit. The artist improvised a bathroom consisting of an antique bathtub with a video screen suspended like a shower curtain before it. A sensual atmosphere, with low lights and candles, pervades the scene. The entire installation is separated from the exhibition space by a wall, and is only visible through a small window, in front of which is a chair and a handle mounted on a pedestal. The visitor, unwittingly assuming the role of a voyeur, sits and peeks through the window and sees the titillating image of a nude woman on the screen. By grasping the handle and rhythmically moving it up-and-down the visitor causes the video to play and the still image to come to life. With their attention lured in by the scene which unfolds for their eyes alone, the visitor becomes in essence another “exhibit.”
is infinite does it matter?
Cruelty that’s casual is the most disturbing of all.
We make our own memories, ring by ring, until the day comes when we,
too, are uprooted.
element among its geometric ones.
sprinkle a bit of this or that, and you can cook up whatever
you want.
But even in darkness threads of light are visible, in paper and ink.
that produces towers like melodies in a set of musical variations.
A true hands-on experience…
instead of scaling the walls from without, doesn’t mean
you’re any less of a beast.
Payback takes on a life of its own, ceaselessly feeding upon itself.